Referrals or Get in touch!
Considering a placement and want to get in touch with our Referrals Team?
If you have a general enquiry a placement enquiry or an urgent placement, please contact our Referrals Officer on 07795 369660.
Alternatively, please contact Senior Management on 07534 968151 or email referrals@totalcarematters.co.uk
We Love To Hear From You
Please give us your feedback. How are we performing? Are we providing you with the service that you expect? Feedback, grumbles and compliments!
We are privileged to care for and safeguard the young people entrusted to us. In order to improve our services and the outcomes for our young people, we do need your help. How are we doing in terms of the services that you expect? Tell Us!
Are you a child, a colleague, a neighbour, a local authority officer or a member of the general public? Do you have feedback of any kind? Please do contact us using the form or the contact details provided above.